What people are saying:
“As a runner, I am terrible when it comes to stretching. My body hurt, and I knew I needed to do something. That’s when I joined one of Meghan’s “Yoga for Athletes” classes.
I quickly learned my strengths and weaknesses and found small improvements each week.
It wasn’t until I was hiking one of our local mountains when I noticed all my work had paid off. I was able to balance on one foot while reaching for my next step without crashing into the ground. This was fantastic!”
““I was always one of those people who thought I didn’t need yoga. It didn’t take me but one of Meghan’s yoga classes to realize I was wrong.
Meghan’s class was unlike any yoga class I had taken before. She takes the time to show you how to properly build into the poses so you possess the strength to do them correctly and add them to a flow.
I feel so much stronger mentally and physically after practicing with Meghan.
Attending her classes has improved my running dramatically and has led me to a love of yoga I never anticipated!””
“Normally, my hips and knees can scream around mile 9, and I have to limp/walk to the finish. Not in 2019! I finished the 13 miles strong!
I also credit your teaching for my speedy recovery from a knee fracture!
Thanks for sharing your experience and gifts with us; thanks for your genuine interest in every student’s progress and success; thanks for your thorough, articulate instruction and follow up; thanks for making at times hard but critical body work FUN!”
“My first ever Yoga class was TRX Yoga and it was a great class! It taught me a lot about the benefits of movement and turned out to be my gateway class to many more.
Over the years my mind and body has benefited greatly from Meghan’s classes. Her dedication and passion that she instills in each and every individual class means there’s no cookie cutter classes here. ”